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Kursus di Surabaya

Sekolah Perhotelan & Akademi Tataboga.

Program Pendidikan Kuliner D1, D2 & D3

Jln. Raya Jemursari 234 & 244 Surabaya.

Telp: 031 8433224-25.

Flexi: 031-81639992.

HP: 0817321024.

Kampus Baru:

Jln. Raya Tenggilis no. 68. Surabaya.

Kursus Kue & Masakan @ Tristar

Info: Flexi: 031-83109709. Esia: 031 91938824.

Kursus Juggling & Flair Bartending - Bartender.

Info: Telp: 031 8433224-25.

Flexi: 031-81639991-92.

Fruit Carving @ Tristar Culinary Institute.

Sekolah Kuliner Pencetak Chef.

Sistem Studi: Praktek Setiap Hari.


Program Pendidikan Kuliner

Diploma 1, D2, dan D3.

Sistem Studi : Praktek Setiap Hari.

Jurusan :

1. Patiseri (Baking & Pastry).

2. Tata Boga (Kuliner).

Jenjang Studi lanjutan S1 & S2 di Swiss.

Dengan jurusan : International Hotel and Tourism Management.

Jln. Raya Jemursari no. 234. Surabaya.

Telp: 031-8433224-25.

Flexi: 031-70114130.

HP: 0817321024.




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Galeri Foto Tristar Culinary Institute


Rabu, 16 Maret 2011


Pelatihan Cara Membuat Special Cake : Black Forest, Sacher Cake, Tropical Cake.
 Pada  kali ini Tristar Culinary Institute mengadakan pelatihan pembuatan aneka BLACK FOREST,  SHACHER CAKE & TROPICAL CAKE. (09/03). Diajarkan aneka Resep CAKE  dengan timbangan tepat, bisa untuk usaha. Peserta praktek langsung - Hands On, mulai dari menimbang bahan, membuat adonan cake & cara memanggang & Mehias kue Black Forest. Pada kesempatan kali ini diinstrukturi oleh chef Otje dari Tristar Culinary dan diikuti oleh 1 orang peserta private. 
Bahan Bahan Untuk Membuat Special Cake.
 Pelatihan inibertempatkan di TRISTAR CULINARY INSTITUTE Jl. Raya Jemursari 234 & 244 - SURABAYA.Siapa yang tak suka dengan Black Forest????, sungguh menggugah selera anda, dengan warna dan rasa yang khas anda dapat membuat dan menikmatinya disini. Peserta private kali ini sanggat senang bisa membuat langsung proses pembuatan black forest. Kursus ini cocok diikuti oleh para peserta yang ingin memulai Usaha Rumahan - Home Industri - UKM (usaha kecil menengah),membuka Cake Shop, menerima pesanan, Toko Roti & Kue, Toko Oleh Oleh dll. Inilah hasil jadi dari beberapa Black Forest buatan peserta private dan chef Otje.
Tropical Cake
Sacher Cake.
Bagi Anda yang berminat untuk membuka usaha rumahan – Home Insdustry – UKM (Usaha Kecil Menengah), Catering, Toko Roti & Kue serta toko oleh-oleh, segera saja hubungi:
Akademi Kuliner – Tristar Culinary Institute
Program Pendidikan D1,D2 & D3.
Kursus Kuliner & Teknologi Pangan. 
Jl. Raya Jemursari 234 & 244 Surabaya.
Telp. (62-31) 8433224-8433225.
Flexi (62-31) 81639992.
HP: 085731804143 0817321024.
Fax. (62-31) 8432050.

Black Forest cake
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Black Forest gateau.

Black Forest gateau (British English) and Black Forest cake (American English and Australian English) are the English names for the southern German dessert Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte, literally "Black Forest cherry cake".

Typically, Black Forest gateau consists of several layers of chocolate cake, with whipped cream and cherries between each layer. Then the cake is decorated with additional whipped cream, maraschino cherries, and chocolate shavings. In some European traditions sour cherries are used both between the layers and for decorating the top. Traditionally, Kirschwasser (a clear liquor distilled from tart cherries) is added to the cake, although other liquors are also used (such as rum, which is common in Austrian recipes). In the United States, Black Forest cake is most often prepared without alcohol. German statutory interpretation states Kirschwasser as a mandatory ingredient, otherwise the cake is legally not allowed to be marketed as Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte.


The cake is named not directly after the Black Forest (Schwarzwald) mountain range in southwestern Germany but rather from the specialty liquor of that region, known as Schwarzwälder Kirsch(wasser) and distilled from tart cherries. This is the ingredient, with its distinctive cherry pit flavor and alcoholic content, that gives the cake a special kick. Cherries, cream, and Kirschwasser were first combined in the form of a dessert in which cooked cherries were served with cream and Kirschwasser, while a cake combining cherries, biscuit and cream (but without Kirschwasser) probably originated in Germany.

Today, the Swiss canton of Zug is world-renowned for its Zuger Kirschtorte, a biscuit-based cake which formerly contained no Kirschwasser. A version from the canton of Basel also exists. The confectioner Josef Keller (1887–1981) claimed to have invented Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte in its present form in 1915 at the then prominent Café Agner in Bad Godesberg, now a suburb of Bonn about 500 km north of the Black Forest. This claim, however, has never been substantiated.

Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte was first mentioned in writing in 1934.At the time it was particularly associated with Berlin but was also available from high-class confectioners in other German, Austrian, and Swiss cities. In 1949 it took 13th place in a list of best-known German cakes, and since that time Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte has become world-renowned.

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